1. You can view the source code online, download, install and use our software according to the licensing terms free of charge (see the corresponding .org domain for the software or click on the "Community" link).
  2. Should you require free support or have found a bug then look for the "Support" page on the community website.
  3. Follow the instructions you find there on how to get support or how to report a bug. Some of our developers are really passionate about our software and will use their own free personal time they're supposed to be spending with their friends/families to answer your questions.

    All mailing lists / IRC channels / issue trackers / bug trackers ... etc are monitored for bug reports.
  4. Using our free software does not entitle you to free support, consulting, training, installation or setup from AllWorldIT or any of our member companies. Due to the nature of the software we design, answering pre-sales questions is considered consulting. Yes, our software can do whatever you want it to, it is a question of time vs. money.

    Our staff certainly do not work for free and will not provide you with support or answer any of your questions unless you have a SLA/Support Contract with us or have paid for consulting. Sorry.

    Should you require assistance, SLA/Support Contract options, consulting, training, additional features/changes or need any additional information you need to contact our sales department for pricing and pay for the relevant time we spend assisting you.

    If you have questions on how the software works, you will need consulting and more than likely training on how to use it. The source code is freely available for you to see how it works yourself otherwise and free of charge.
  5. If you did not already know. Companies that design free and opensource products rely on paid support services like Support/SLA Contracts, consulting, training, installation/setup fees and donations to pay their staff. Therefore we do not appreciate the spamming of our ticket system with queries when you are not a client, wasting our time by fighting, arguing, making sarcastic remarks, demanding free information, support, consulting, training or assistance when we offer our software free of charge, free for you to download, free for you to look at to see how it works and free for you to install and use.